What is podcasting?
Posted in Rich Media on Jul 15th, 2009
Why do we have too many meanings of podcasting? Can you come up with one meaning that covers all?
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Posted in Rich Media on Jul 15th, 2009
Why do we have too many meanings of podcasting? Can you come up with one meaning that covers all?
Interesting question, Carlos. I don’t know that I have a unifying definition of podcasting, but I do hope that you and others interested in it will add to our set of wiki pages about podcasting. Doing so might help out Joe Rosenberg, who detailed his search for podcasting resources on his blog!
[…] Guevara just recently wrote a post asking What is podcasting?. Help him answer that […]
I agree, a very interesting question. One thing I wonder is whether students have the same definition for podcasting that we do (or even one of our many definitions). Our Academic Tech Committee here at City Tech surveyed several course sections of incoming freshmen last fall and many responded that they don’t watch podcasts. But of course we see them watching YouTube on our computers in the library all the time!